Hello everyone,

After a long time in the making I merged "Breeze" environment which is a
swiss-knife of everything testing in Airflow. It should make it even easier
to contribute to Airflow (easier to test your changes locally while
development in general).

There is a fairly comprehensive documentation in
https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/master/BREEZE.rst that you can
follow to get started and start using it.

Accidentally (or not :)) we have a workshop today in NYC (
https://www.meetup.com/NYC-Apache-Airflow-Meetup/events/264141360/) where I
will show breeze and have a number of new users using it - this might
result in some incremental fixes/improvements.

I expect some small teething problems over the next few days and I will be
watching all channels to help to solve them. Feel free to ping me in case
you try to use Breeze and have problems - slack is probably best in such



Jarek Potiuk
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer

M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
[image: Polidea] <https://www.polidea.com/>

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