Thanks Jarek for the hard work. It really improved the airflow development
experience a lot.
I remember the struggling I experienced to reproduce CI bug locally and I am
glad that those days are now gone. This really lowered the barrier to
contribute to Airflow and
I look forward to more people joining the airflow community!

Great work.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 3:08 PM Sergio Kef <> wrote:

> Amazing! congrats and thank you.
> On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 at 22:25, Jarek Potiuk <>
> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > After a long time in the making I merged "Breeze" environment which is a
> > swiss-knife of everything testing in Airflow. It should make it even
> easier
> > to contribute to Airflow (easier to test your changes locally while
> > development in general).
> >
> > There is a fairly comprehensive documentation in
> > that you can
> > follow to get started and start using it.
> >
> > Accidentally (or not :)) we have a workshop today in NYC (
> >
> where
> > I
> > will show breeze and have a number of new users using it - this might
> > result in some incremental fixes/improvements.
> >
> > I expect some small teething problems over the next few days and I will
> be
> > watching all channels to help to solve them. Feel free to ping me in case
> > you try to use Breeze and have problems - slack is probably best in such
> > case.
> >
> > J
> >
> > --
> >
> > Jarek Potiuk
> > Polidea <> | Principal Software Engineer
> >
> > M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
> > [image: Polidea] <>
> >


Chao-Han Tsai

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