Hi Eugene -

We run an Airflow deployment that executes ~6,000 hourly tasks across 32 
dynamic DAGs - happy to jump on a call some time and talk about our setup, 
which now includes a step to generate one file per dynamic DAG, so that each 
DAG gets its own scheduler loop. Hit me up r...@astronomer.io if interested. We 
want to write a guide about it, but it's been hard to find time lately for that.


Sent via Superhuman ( https://sprh.mn/?vip=r...@rywalker.com )

On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 1:21 PM, Eugene Bacal < eba...@paypal.com.invalid > 

> Wanted to ask for an advise...
> Because I run 1300 task every 30 min in parallel such scenario creates a
> lot of DB connections that freezes the UI. I would like to segregate
> result_backend and Airflow DB.
> Current setup:
> broker_url = rabbitmq
> result_backend = mysqldb
> sql_alchemy_conn = mysqldb
> New setup:
> broker_url = redis
> result_backend = redis
> sql_alchemy_conn = mysqldb
> I have tested it and see 2x reduction connection wise. But is there
> something else I maybe missing, since Airflow does not recommend to use
> redis as result_backend
> Please advise,
> Eugene
> On 8/29/19, 4:35 PM, "Bacal, Eugene" < ebacal@ paypal. com. INVALID (
> eba...@paypal.com.INVALID ) > wrote:
> Thank you, Daniel! Sorry for spamming.
> https:/ / nam03. safelinks. protection. outlook. com/ 
> ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.
> com%2Fquestions%2F57718658%2Fairflow-celery-workers-too-many-mysql-connections&amp;data=01%7C01%7Cebacal%40paypal.
> com%7C1af3b2b9d588408e315508d72cd99b17%7Cfb00791460204374977e21bac5f3f4c8%7C1&amp;sdata=YcjJBkRhpHzT1UFSwdJabCDMAdKvTDu6eujQOB4dPhk%3D&amp;reserved=0
> (
> https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.com%2Fquestions%2F57718658%2Fairflow-celery-workers-too-many-mysql-connections&amp;data=01%7C01%7Cebacal%40paypal.com%7C1af3b2b9d588408e315508d72cd99b17%7Cfb00791460204374977e21bac5f3f4c8%7C1&amp;sdata=YcjJBkRhpHzT1UFSwdJabCDMAdKvTDu6eujQOB4dPhk%3D&amp;reserved=0
> )
> On 8/29/19, 1:14 PM, "Daniel Standish" < dpstandish@ gmail. com (
> dpstand...@gmail.com ) > wrote:
> Eugene
> Why don't you create a stack overflow post and give us the link?
> That is probably a better way to help you through this.
> We will need to see what exactly you are doing in your dag files and
> potentially also hooks / operators.
> Thanks
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 10:41 AM Bacal, Eugene < ebacal@ paypal. com. invalid
> ( eba...@paypal.com.invalid ) > wrote:
>> Can someone advise if this is expecting behavior, please?
>> - DB connections are not being re-used
>> - Connections stay open while active only 5:
>> mysql> show global status like 'Thread%';
>> +-------------------------+---------+
>> | Variable_name | Value |
>> +-------------------------+---------+
>> | Threadpool_idle_threads | 0 |
>> | Threadpool_threads | 0 |
>> | Threads_cached | 775 |
>> | Threads_connected | 5323 |
>> | Threads_created | 4846609 |
>> | Threads_running | 5 |
>> +-------------------------+---------+
>> - Workers create hungreds of conections that’s remains open until DB
>> cleares them (900 sec)
>> Eugene Bacal
>> Workload Automation Engineer
>> Scheduling Platform Experience
>> Cell: 4802028764
>> Slack: @ebacal
>> DL: dl-pp-cdp-spx@ paypal. com ( dl-pp-cdp-...@paypal.com )
>> Scottsdale, Arizona
>> On 8/21/19, 2:36 PM, "Bacal, Eugene" < ebacal@ paypal. com. INVALID (
>> eba...@paypal.com.INVALID ) > wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> We have ran few testing today from DB side and noticed that:
>> - DB connections are not being re-used
>> - Connections stay open while active only 5:
>> mysql> show global status like 'Thread%';
>> +-------------------------+---------+
>> | Variable_name | Value |
>> +-------------------------+---------+
>> | Threadpool_idle_threads | 0 |
>> | Threadpool_threads | 0 |
>> | Threads_cached | 775 |
>> | Threads_connected | 5323 |
>> | Threads_created | 4846609 |
>> | Threads_running | 5 |
>> +-------------------------+---------+
>> - Workers create hungreds of conections that’s remains open until DB
>> cleares them (900 sec)
>> Seems that similar cases were reported some time back(2016),
>> https:/ / nam03. safelinks. protection. outlook. com/ 
>> ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fissues.
>> apache. org%2Fjira%2Fbrowse%2FAIRFLOW-680&amp;data=01%7C01%7Cebacal%40paypal.
>> com%7C1af3b2b9d588408e315508d72cd99b17%7Cfb00791460204374977e21bac5f3f4c8%7C1&amp;sdata=7pjGdmuyIuI4GRHPPa7LH3%2Bkq6TVeZJjrMFQf0HHuZg%3D&amp;reserved=0
>> (
>> https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fissues.apache.org%2Fjira%2Fbrowse%2FAIRFLOW-680&amp;data=01%7C01%7Cebacal%40paypal.com%7C1af3b2b9d588408e315508d72cd99b17%7Cfb00791460204374977e21bac5f3f4c8%7C1&amp;sdata=7pjGdmuyIuI4GRHPPa7LH3%2Bkq6TVeZJjrMFQf0HHuZg%3D&amp;reserved=0
>> )
>> On 8/20/19, 5:19 PM, "Bacal, Eugene" < ebacal@ paypal. com. INVALID (
>> eba...@paypal.com.INVALID ) > wrote:
>> Celery executor.
>> 12 BareMetals: CPU(s):40, MHz 2494.015, RAM 378G - each box
>> Worker .cfg:
>> [core]
>> sql_alchemy_pool_size = 5
>> sql_alchemy_pool_recycle = 900
>> sql_alchemy_reconnect_timeout = 300
>> parallelism = 1200
>> dag_concurrency = 800
>> non_pooled_task_slot_count = 1200
>> max_active_runs_per_dag = 10
>> dagbag_import_timeout = 30
>> [celery]
>> worker_concurrency = 100
>> Scheduler .cfg:
>> [core]
>> sql_alchemy_pool_size = 30
>> sql_alchemy_pool_recycle = 300
>> sql_alchemy_reconnect_timeout = 300
>> parallelism = 1200
>> dag_concurrency = 800
>> non_pooled_task_slot_count = 1200
>> max_active_runs_per_dag = 10
>> [scheduler]
>> job_heartbeat_sec = 5
>> scheduler_heartbeat_sec = 5
>> run_duration = 1800
>> min_file_process_interval = 10
>> min_file_parsing_loop_time = 1
>> dag_dir_list_interval = 300
>> print_stats_interval = 30
>> scheduler_zombie_task_threshold = 300
>> max_tis_per_query = 1024
>> max_threads = 29
>> From workers I see 350 + connections at the start time, then it drops to
>> 200 and then to 1-10 once tasks complete
>> From Scheduler very low 1-10:
>> MySQL connections:
>> 331 worker1
>> 215 worker2
>> 349 worker53
>> 335 worker54
>> 347 worker55
>> 336 worker56
>> 336 worker57
>> 354 worker58
>> 339 worker59
>> 328 worker60
>> 333 worker61
>> 337 worker62
>> 2 scheduler
>> - Eugene
>> On 8/20/19, 8:51 AM, "Maxime Beauchemin" < maximebeauchemin@ gmail. com (
>> maximebeauche...@gmail.com ) > wrote:
>> Delay between tasks could be due to not having enough worker slots. What
>> type of executor are you using, how is it configured?
>> Max
>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 7:50 AM Bacal, Eugene
>> < ebacal@ paypal. com. invalid ( eba...@paypal.com.invalid ) >
>> wrote:
>>> Absolutely possible, Daniel,
>>> We are looking in all directions. Has anyone noticed
>> performance
>>> improvements with PostgreSQL vs MySQL ?
>>> -Eugene
>>> On 8/15/19, 2:03 PM, "Daniel Standish" < dpstandish@ gmail. com (
>>> dpstand...@gmail.com ) >
>> wrote:
>>> It's not just webserver and scheduler that will parse
>> your dag file.
>>> During the execution of a dag run, dag file will be
>> re-parsed at the
>>> start
>>> of every task instance. If you have 1000 tasks running
>> in short
>>> period of
>>> time, that's 1000 queries. It's possible these queries
>> are piling up
>>> in a
>>> queue on your database. Dag read time has to be very
>> fast for this
>>> reason.
>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 1:45 PM Bacal, Eugene
>>> < ebacal@ paypal. com. invalid ( eba...@paypal.com.invalid ) >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your reply, Max
>>>> Dynamic DAGs query the database for tables and
>> generates DAGs and
>>> tasks
>>>> based on the output.
>>>> For Python does not take much to execute:
>>>> Dynamic - 500 tasks:
>>>> time python PPAD_OIS_MASTER_IDI. py ( http://ppad_ois_master_idi.py/ )
>>>> [2019-08-15 12:57:48,522] { settings. py:174 ( http://settings.py:174/ ) }
>>>> INFO - setting.configure_orm(): Using pool settings.
>> pool_size=30,
>>> pool_recycle=300
>>>> real 0m1.830s
>>>> user 0m1.622s
>>>> sys 0m0.188s
>>>> Static - 100 tasks:
>>>> time python PPAD_OPS_CANARY_CONNECTIONS_TEST_8. py (
>>>> http://ppad_ops_canary_connections_test_8.py/ )
>>>> [2019-08-15 12:59:24,959] { settings. py:174 ( http://settings.py:174/ ) }
>>>> INFO - setting.configure_orm(): Using pool settings.
>> pool_size=30,
>>> pool_recycle=300
>>>> real 0m1.009s
>>>> user 0m0.898s
>>>> sys 0m0.108s
>>>> We have 44 DAGs with 1003 Dynamic tasks. Parsing in
>> quite time:
>>>> DagBag parsing time: 3.9385959999999995
>>>> Parsing in time of execution, when scheduler submits
>> the DAGs:
>>>> DagBag parsing time: 99.820316
>>>> Delay between the task run inside a single DAG grow
>> from 30 sec to
>>> 10 min,
>>>> then it drops back even thou tasks are runnign.
>>>> Eugene
>>>> On 8/15/19, 11:52 AM, "Maxime Beauchemin" <
>>> maximebeauchemin@ gmail. com ( maximebeauche...@gmail.com ) >
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What is your dynamic DAG doing? How long does it
>> take to execute
>>> it
>>>> just as
>>>> a python script (`time python mydag. py ( http://mydag.py/ ) `)?
>>>> As an Airflow admin, people may want to lower the
>> DAG parsing
>>> timeout
>>>> configuration key to force people to not do crazy
>> thing in DAG
>>> module
>>>> scope. At some point at Airbnb we had someone
>> running a Hive
>>> query in
>>>> DAG
>>>> scope, clearly that needs to be prevented.
>>>> Loading DAGs by calling a database can bring all
>> sorts of
>>> surprises
>>>> that
>>>> can drive everyone crazy. As mentioned in a recent
>> post,
>>>> repo-contained,
>>>> deterministic "less dynamic" DAGs are great,
>> because they are
>>>> self-contained and allow you to use source-control
>> properly
>>> (revert a
>>>> bad
>>>> change for instance). That may mean having a
>> process or script
>>> that
>>>> compiles external things that are dynamic into
>> things like yaml
>>> files
>>>> checked into the code repo. Things as simple as
>> parsing duration
>>> become
>>>> more predictable (network latency and database
>> load are not part
>>> of
>>>> that
>>>> equation), but more importantly, all changes
>> become tracked in
>>> the code
>>>> repo.
>>>> yaml parsing in python can be pretty slow too, and
>> there are
>>> solutions
>>>> /
>>>> alternatives there. Hocon is great. Also
>> C-accelerated yaml is
>>>> possible:
>> https:/ / nam03. safelinks. protection. outlook. com/ 
>> ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.
>> com%2Fquestions%2F27743711%2Fcan-i-speedup-yaml&amp;data=01%7C01%7Cebacal%40paypal.
>> com%7C1af3b2b9d588408e315508d72cd99b17%7Cfb00791460204374977e21bac5f3f4c8%7C1&amp;sdata=4T1xq7QBztFw24GvJEL0kR8%2BNFmDEtnSfDLtgWL9f%2BU%3D&amp;reserved=0
>> (
>> https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.com%2Fquestions%2F27743711%2Fcan-i-speedup-yaml&amp;data=01%7C01%7Cebacal%40paypal.com%7C1af3b2b9d588408e315508d72cd99b17%7Cfb00791460204374977e21bac5f3f4c8%7C1&amp;sdata=4T1xq7QBztFw24GvJEL0kR8%2BNFmDEtnSfDLtgWL9f%2BU%3D&amp;reserved=0
>> )
>>>> Max
>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 9:56 PM Bacal, Eugene
>>>> < ebacal@ paypal. com. invalid ( eba...@paypal.com.invalid ) >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Airflow team,
>>>>> Please advise if you can. In our environment, we
>> have noticed
>>> that
>>>> dynamic
>>>>> tasks place quite of stress on scheduler,
>> webserver and
>>> increase
>>>> MySQL DB
>>>>> connections.
>>>>> We are run about 1000 Dynamic Tasks every 30 min
>> and parsing
>>> time
>>>>> increases from 5 to 65 sec with Runtime from
>> 2sec to 350+ .
>>> This
>>>> happens at
>>>>> execution time then it drops to normal while
>> still executing
>>> tasks.
>>>>> Webserver hangs for few minutes.
>>>>> Airflow 1.10.1.
>>>>> MySQL DB
>>>>> Example:
>>>>> Dynamic Tasks:
>>>>> Number of DAGs: 44
>>>>> Total task number: 950
>>>>> DagBag parsing time: 65.879642000000001
>>>>> Static Tasks:
>>>>> Number of DAGs: 73
>>>>> Total task number: 1351
>>>>> DagBag parsing time: 1.731088
>>>>> Is this something you aware of? Any advises on
>> Dynamic tasks
>>>>> optimization/best practices?
>>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>>> Eugene

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