I am all-in for markers.

I think we should start with small set of useful markers, which should have
a useful purpose from the beginning and implement them first - to learn how
useful they are (before we decide on full set of markers).
Otherwise maintaining those markers will become a fruitless "chore" and it
might be abandoned.

So my proposal is to agree the first top cases we want to handle with
markers and then define/apply the markers accordingly:

Those are my three top priorities (from most important to least):

   - Splitting out the Integration tests (and updating Breeze) so that you
   choose which integration you start when you start Breeze rather than start
   them all.
   - DB separation so that we do not repeat non-DB tests on all Databases.
   - Proper separation of Kubernetes tests (They are now filtered out based
   on skipif/env variables.


On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 1:32 PM Tomasz Urbaszek <tomasz.urbas...@polidea.com>

> Hi everyone,
> Since we run our tests using pytest we are able to use test markers [1].
> Using them will give
> use some useful things:
> - additional information of test type (ex. when used for system test)
> - easy way to select test by types (ex. pytest -v -m "not system")
> - way to split our test suite in more effective way (no need to run all
> tests on 3 backends)
> I would like to discuss what "official" marks would we like to use. As a
> base I would suggests
> to mark tests as:
> - system - tests that need the outside world to be successful (ex. GCP
> system tests)
> - db[postgres, sqlite, mysql] - tests that require database to be
> successful, in other words,
> tests that create some db side effects
> - integration - tests that requires some additional resources like
> Cassandra or Kubernetes
> All other, unmarked tests would be treated as "pure" meaning that they have
> no side effects
> (at least on database level).
> What do you think about this? Does anyone have some experience with using
> markers in
> such a big project?
> [1] http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/example/markers.html
> Bests,
> Tomek Urbaszek


Jarek Potiuk
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer

M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
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