Hi all! it's Javier.

I am a Data Engineer, I have been working with Airflow and it's Kubernetes
integration for almost one year and a half. It's great and it has helped a
lot to me and the data engineering team I have been working with.

Although I and my colleagues find a recurring issue sometimes whenever we
were creating new dags using the KubernetesPodOperator as sometimes the pod
created was not as we expected. As an example arguments of the container
were not parsing as we expected or Secrets or Kubernetes resources were not
referenced as we want.

I just created this library

The idea is that it can be a simple interface that can generate k8s pod
YAML files before deploying dags into a production environment so we can
test if the dag is going to generate all the k8s pods as we want or
something is wrong. The idea is to have a kind of helm debugger for
Airflow. Also, it can be really useful to recover historical data for
recurrent dags. just changing the pod resources and the container arguments
or entry points.

All your feedback is appreciated.



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