Hi All:

Mssql support was voted to be dropped.

One of our product requirements is that we can only use the Mssql database.
The product that uses airflow is installed with a suite of 8-10 other
products that all use Mssql database as their database. Preferably we do
not want our customers to install another database like postgres or MySQL
since it would involve extra overhead on their DBA team to maintain (with
backup/restore functions) yet another database

This has been already discussed and voted on but is there any way we can
keep experimental support if we pitch in to fix any mssql related issues?

List of current mssql issues are here

Are there any other outstanding issues or can you please let us know a way
to identify mssql related bugs/problems that need to be addressed?

* https://github.com/apache/airflow/discussions/35114

We are just trying to understand how much effort will be required to keep
supporting Mssql and if we can help with that in any way.


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