I very much like the concept. We have been using it actively for Astronomer
code repositories for 1+ year already and it has helped us greatly (Thanks
to Felix Uellendall for introducing this back then 🙂)

On Sat, 30 Dec 2023, 12:10 Jarek Potiuk, <ja...@potiuk.com> wrote:

> FYI - Just now INFRA rejected the request on the basis of "code write"
> access permissions the app needs.
> I'd still love to get feedback though on the concept -  I am not giving up
> that easily. We might still get it approved easily. We likely have some
> ways we can get "auto-fixing" working for us.
> 1) I believe Github Applications now can use a bit different mechanism to
> ask for permissions and it can have "required" and "optional" permissions
> and I believe "Pull request write" should be enough (and I might attempt to
> convince the maintainers of it to adapt it to our needs).
> 2) Also, there is a "Pre-commit Lite Github Action" that we **might** be
> able to use to achieve a similar effect (with some added complexity to our
> `Pull Request Target` workflow.
> So I would still love to hear from others :)
> J.
> On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 11:52 PM Jarek Potiuk <ja...@potiuk.com> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > TL;DRl; I'd like to propose that we enable the pre-commit-ci GitHub
> > application for Airflow repo. According to how I understand it works, it
> > should greatly reduce friction (especially for new contributors) for
> > passing the quality gates for our pre-commits. That is - if we get the
> > approval for pre-commit-ci application from the ASF infra team.
> >
> > Some more context:
> >
> > We use and love (well some of us do, some of us likely hate) the
> > pre-commit as a quality gate for our checks. We have been using it for
> > years for local checks and CI integration and we have ~60 custom
> precommits
> > and in total we use about 100 pre-commit checks as our "quality" gates
> >
> > However, using `standard` pre-commit (that is a de-facto standard in
> > Python world) has a nice property of 'standing on the shoulders of
> giants'.
> > There is one thing that few of us are aware of, that there is a way to
> > reduce friction for pre-commits that are not only flagging errors but can
> > also fix them. If we get the `pre-commit-ci` application (
> > https://pre-commit.ci/) approved for our repo from the ASF infra team it
> > - in theory - should be able to AUTO-FIX PRs that are not passing the
> > pre-commits (and can be automatically corrected).
> >
> > Yep. You read it right. No more asking a new contributor "please fix
> > static checks" - PRs that have auto-fixable pre-commit failures will be
> > fixed automatically.
> >
> > For example when you make a PR that does not pass "ruff" formatting, the
> > application should automatically amend the PR and FIX IT. We have quite a
> > number of such PRs from first-time contributors, but also a number of
> > seasoned contributors (including myself) occasionally send a PR that does
> > not pass an auto-fixable static check. This can happen with a few
> scenarios
> > (rebasing, or correcting a PR by applying a suggestion from review and a
> > few other scenarios).
> >
> > It can be a little strange to see your PR corrected by a bot though, so I
> > am reaching out here to see if you think it is a good idea. I also
> opened a
> > JIRA request to approve the application (but I made a comment that it
> > should be pending the discussion here):
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-25322 - it will likely
> > require to slightly change our workflows to make it works as well.
> >
> > Do you think it's a good idea to have it enabled? Maybe it will be too
> > much for our contributors and they will be surprised to see it happening?
> >
> > WDYT?
> >
> > J.
> >

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