Thanks for sharing this information.

Please share any additional thoughts. In a few days, I will kick off a VOTE
thread to decide our process.

Just curious! Is there an automation we can use to ensure/enforce that PRs
and JIRAs receive the +1 binding (from committers) votes needed before a
merge can proceed? Something like a drop-in client-side pre-git-push hook
script for pushes to apache master. Or should we just follow an honor code.


On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 6:14 PM, Jakob Homan <> wrote:

> Hey-
>    The consensus approval link is referring to votes (e.g. releases,
> new committers, new PMCers, etc) rather than code changes.  A single
> +1 is standard for code changes, as Chris describes.  However,
> projects are welcome to provide more fine-grained requirements as
> well.  For example, Hadoop is RTC (Review-then-commit) but also
> features to be developed in branches that run on CTR
> (Commit-then-review).  Such a branch can only be merged back to master
> with three binding +1s, as a counterweight to the possibility of
> un-reviewed changes appearing.
>   Historically, ASF operated on a CTR model.  However, Hadoop and the
> myriad projects that flowed from it, adopted RTC.  I'm not aware of
> any big-data/Hadoop/Kafka projects that currently use CTR.  (This
> comment's not an endorsement of either approach, just an observation)
>    Additionally, the community can chose any time to change its
> approach (via a vote).
> -Jakob
> On 18 May 2016 at 10:55, Chris Riccomini <> wrote:
> > Hey Sid,
> >
> >> In the RTC case, we need 3 +1 binding (a.k.a. committer) votes
> >
> > This sounds very high. Usually one +1 (other than the person sending the)
> > is normal in an RTC scenario.
> >
> >> In the CTR case, we may want a separate develop branch against which to
> > run integration tests and merge to master only after those tests pass
> >
> > I would prefer not to have a separate branch, so if we feel like that's a
> > requirement for CTR, then I'd prefer RTC. If we're comfortable committing
> > to master, though, then I'm fine either way. We have quite a few active
> > committers, so waiting 24h for a review seems fine.
> >
> > Basically, I don't have a strong preference either way, except that I
> > strongly prefer not to have a separate development branch. If you force
> me
> > to pick, I'd pick RTC. I find that RTC encourages a shared understanding
> of
> > the code, which is useful.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
> >
> > On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 8:10 PM, siddharth anand <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Folks,
> >> It's a good time for us to discuss whether we will adopt a RTC or CTR
> >> policy towards software changes.
> >>
> >> In the RTC case, we need 3 +1 binding (a.k.a. committer) votes and 0
> >> binding vetos for any change as RTC requires consensus approval:
> >>
> >>    -
> >>    -
> >>
> >> In the CTR case, we operate by lazy consensus, which many of the
> committers
> >> have already exercised for the recent Committer/PPMC vote. In the CTR
> case,
> >> we may want a separate develop branch against which to run integration
> >> tests and merge to master only after those tests pass. I'm curious about
> >> this approach and would like to understand how well this is supported
> via
> >> infra tools, automation, and documentation.
> >>
> >>    -
> >>    -
> >>
> >> I'm also curious if we need to strictly adopt one of these or whether we
> >> can roll our own - e.g. a +1 binding for RTC for example.
> >>
> >> Mentors,
> >> Any guidance here?
> >>
> >> -s
> >>

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