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(Updated Sept. 4, 2015, 9:16 p.m.)

Review request for Ambari, John Speidel, Sumit Mohanty, and Srimanth Gunturi.


Updated given Srimanth's input.  I've tested the unit tests, installed both 
services, and installed hive and added atlas.  The correct recommendations are 
being made.  

I have some code to guard against a space value for atlas.cluster.name, but now 
not certain it's required?

Bugs: AMBARI-12978

Repository: ambari


Rather than make modifications that are not visible to the user via the service 
scripts, the config changes that are required for hive when atlas is available 
in the cluster have been moved to the stack advisor.  Some important points:

1)  atlas.cluster.name and atlas.rest.address are now configuration properties 
that are defined in the service's hive-site.xml.  They therefore appear as 
advanced hive-site properties in the UI.
2)  When atlas is not installed, these two properties are set to a space so 
that hopefully no values are seen in the UI and the 'require-input' attribute 
of atlas.cluster.name does not trigger a requirement to specify a value.
3)  When atlas is installed, the atlas.cluster.name is set to a null string and 
the 'require-input' property appears to trigger the expected "value required" 
logic in the UI.  This is important since the cluster name property defines the 
namespace for the atlas queries associated with the given cluster (atlas 
supports multiple hive instances).

Diffs (updated)

  ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.3/common/test_stack_advisor.py 08c48d8 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/38065/diff/


- python unit tests
- installation of clusters:
1)  Hive only followed by addition of atlas
2)  hive and atlas together

(NOTE:  still working thru some of the functional cluster test scenarios but 
wanted to proceed with a review process in parallel)


Jonathan Maron

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