Pick the name you think it is more appropriate.

Some thoughts:

        <property name="x" uriOfFile="${fileName}"/>
        <property name="x" valueAsUri="${fileName}"/>
        <property name="x" locationAsUri="${fileName}"/>
        <property name="x" uriForLocation="${fileName}"/>

Alternatively, we could have something more general that you can pass a URI
and knows how to use it, but alternatively if the value if that of a file, then
it construct a URI for it. 

        <property name="x" uri="${fileName}"/>

As long as we get the expected behavior I do not mind.

Jose Alberto

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 07 April 2003 08:38
> Subject: Re: Using files in classpath in task file=""
> On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Jose Alberto Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I would like for ANT to do this for me, transparently.
> > 
> >     <property name="fileurl" locationURL="${myfile}"/>
> > 
> > or somethig like that.
> Sure, should be trivial using FileUtils#toURI together with
> setLocationURL(File), I'm just not sure about the attribute name.
> locationURL would imply that its value was an URL and not a location
> that gets turned into an URI - at least to me.  
> Hmm, uriOfLocation="${myfile}"?  uriForLocation?
> Attributes are case-insensitive in Ant.
> Stefan
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