"Costin Manolache" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> The problem seems to be that we need a way to pass a CLASSPATH
> but without using the env variable. And this needs to have the
> override properties of the CLASSPATH that are used in gump.

Well, the problem is the maximun command line length, not only the env size,
if i understand you well.., later the env var is use as part of java command
that launches ant from gump, and passing -D for ant in the command line has
the exact same problem.. but the later is easy to overcome with a
simple -propertyfile args to ant.. well to comment a bit more, the stupid
cmd.exe, adds a blank space after every echo routed to a file.. so is a
little more complicated.. :(..

> Wouldn't be simpler to just add a bit of code to set java.class.path
> from a file or property ? If you go with a wrapper that embeds ant,
> that would be pretty simple and not need any changes to ant.

I think i've tried modifying java.class.path, and ended at nowhere, i
thought it was controlled to be read-only, not found any reference in JDK to
the use of java.class.path, but reviewing my patch another time and given
the name of the property i propose, maybe i confused java.class.path with
java.classpath, so i'll try another time.. :) to see what happens..

Thanks to point this obvious issue..  :)

Ignacio J.Ortega
Nevada Soft

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