On 08 Jul 2003, peter reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 16:06, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

>> What would you want to see happen with keep-alive enabled and
>> failonerror set to true on an <exec> task.  What will happen if the
>> execution fails?
> In this the rest of the tasks in the target would not be run, and
> the next target would be started.

OK, I shouldn't have spoken without reading the proposal then 8-)

keep-alive to me doesn't imply skip the remaining tasks from the same
target when one task fails.  To me it meant that all tasks would be
executed, even if a previous task had failed.

What you describe might then be best covered by fail-on-error at the
target level.  fail-on-error would be true for the tasks inside the
target, but the target itself would swallow the BuildException.


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