On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 10:47 pm, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> How can this thing be done while shielding interactions?

You make the renaming optional. 

<import file="a.xml"/>
<import file="b.xml"/>

All of a's and b's targets go unprefixed. If those builds use targets which 
are provided by the main build, or by the other, unprefixed, import then 
there is no problem. This situation thus allows the cross-interactions. We 
need to decide a few issues. Is mutliple definitions of a target considered 
an error or does one definition win. If one wins, which one - the first or 
the last. I prefer to have this as an error.

<import file="a.xml" prefix="a"/>
<import file="b.xml" prefix="b"/>

In this case each import's targets are prefixed and thus will not collide. 
Specific overriding in the build could make desired connections.

<override target="a.init">
        <antcall target="b.init"/>



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