> From: Conor MacNeill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 10:23 pm, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> > The only thing that comes to mind is that I cannot use super ion
> > dependencies, which is a nifty feature :-(
> Not sure why this would be needed. Just add <super/> as the 
> first contained 
> task. All of the other dependencies will have been run by 
> then (i.e. the 
> dependent targets of the original target, represented by <super/>).

Given the nature of ANT, I think it may be really important to be able
to specify super in the dependencies of the overriden method.
I think part of the problem on this issue i that we have been trying
too hard to use rewriting as oppose to simply say what we want.

For example, we could write something like:

<target name="a" depends="b,c" apply-super-after="b"/>

and we could have an "apply-super-before" or simply "apply-super-first" 
That is all that is needed to have super in dependencies, the ordering 
of targets will occur automatically by the engine.

No need for rewrites, This could be done in <override-target> instead
which to me is just a specialized form of target.

> So the target that <antcall> has to really call is not known 
> until the antcall 
> is actually executed. Antcall has to evaluate the property, 
> get the value 
> "critical", look at its own import prefix "b" and decide to 
> therefore call 
> "b.critical". Some smarts may be possible there if, for 
> example, b.critical 
> does not exist.

In my opinion, <antcall> should apply on the entire top-level
build file. Just as executing ant.cmd would do. That has been
the meaning of it and I do not think we need to overloaded
with a direfent meaning.

If you want to execute a local target use <ant> passing the local file.

Jose Alberto

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