Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

From: Conor MacNeill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

All the resolution of the semantics of the language is done
before name mangling

This is not strictly true. In C++ you decide (by using extern "C") whether
to place a symbol in the global namespace or its own (by name mangling). The
programmer needs to be aware of this. C++ also introduced the namespace
concept due to the likelihood of Class name collisions, since prior to that
Class names occupied a single global namespace.

Just for closure on this comment, all the stuff with extern "C"
in C++ is not for the user programming in C++ but to allow
interoperability between C++ and C. Which is a completely different
suubject. I am the first to think that C++ became one of the worst
amalgamations on features on the planet.

MFC 'enhanced C++' is probably the worst. Have you seen you can now do try and catch in the constructor

Foobar::Foobar(wchar_t *something) : try { member(something) } catch(std::exception) { //handler} { //real constructor here }

It makes me pine for ADA, which at least has a clean modula2-style interface declaration.

And I definatly do not want ANT to go that way, that is my fear.


C++ is a classic example of accretion of trouble over time.

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