----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stefan Bodewig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Apart from the reason I've mentioned (only a handful of well tested
> changes), there is another one.  If we make an RC, people will expect
> that we fix bugs found in that RC.  We already know about bugs in it,
> namely the bugs of 1.5.3 that have not been fixed in the 1.5 branch as
> well.

Do you plan just to replace the affected files in the 1.5.3-1
binaries and name it 1.5.4, or build everything from scratch?
I assume it is going to be the latter.  If that is the case,
I think, irrespective of how small the actual code changes are, 
when the entire distribution is built, there is a chance that 
build/packaging related regressions may get introduced, and hence
my +0 for proceeding with a release without a beta.  I understand
the risk of this happening is pretty low, but a bigger audience 
than just the PMC to OK the distributable may alleviate this

> Stefan


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