Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Dean Hiller wrote, On 26/08/2003 13.59: ...

Currently at work we prevent this same thing by having separate source trees and people are complaining up a storm.


This helps with that problem of allowing one to keep one source tree and put up walls that prevent other packages to be used from certain packages that are supposed to be independent.

I like it. :-)

I have never liked keeping separate directories for things, even if I do it for the benefit it has in build separation.

I like a good layout of project.model. and project.view. trees; any instance of .view packages in the model class is a complete failure of separation and easily caught. But having more rigorous meta-rules is interesting.

Would it need to be a compile time process, or something you can do just by processing the source or even the class files, a la <depends>?

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