I have developed a set of very simple ANT Image Tasks. It is actually one
task with nested elements for transformations.
Since lot of projects (atleast web apps) have images, this might be helpful.
It can be used for thumb-nailing, writing copyright information on the
images, overlaying images OR text to show info such as "NEW", "SOLD", "25%
Discount", etc.

The functionality is very similar to the JSP Image Taglib (the underlying
code is the same).

Read more about this task at http://www.mullassery.com/software/ANT/
You can try the task or see some image tag examples (very similar
functionality) at

If you think this task is worth adding to the ANT task list, please do.
The details in the xml snippet required (as mentioned in the FAQ) is
included below: -

<subsection name="Image Tasks">
    <p>Image task generates and transforms images. It exposes the imaging
capability available in Java2D, Java Advanced Imaging, ImageIO, etc., as set
of nested elements.</p>
    <p>Image operations such as &quot;resize&quot; (scale),
&quot;overlay&quot; (one image on another), &quot;border&quot; (add a
border), &quot;text&quot; (text on image), &quot;crop&quot; (a sub-image of
a bigger image), &quot;rotate&quot;, &quot;grayscale&quot; (change a color
image to shades of gray)</p>
    <table class="externals">
            <td>Ant 1.3</td>
            <td>Apache Software License</td>

Please let me know your comments and suggestions.


Abey Mullassery

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