On Wed, 05 Nov 2003, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stefan Bodewig wrote:
>> On Tue, 04 Nov 2003, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stefan. I am disappointed.

Well, I knew that DD would read my mail and simply waited for him to
wake up.  I didn't expect you to do such a great job, thanks.

> I thought it was us british citizens that were meant to be brought
> up not speaking the languages of our neighbours :(.

My closest neighbors speak Dutch and I do understand it, but wouldn't
try to speak or even write in dutch.  This is certainly not due to our
school system, I simply watched Dutch television a lot in the 70s and
80s.  And then there are those ritual shopping trips to Venlo or
Roermond, you know.

> Still, I guess English does make more sense as a second language
> than, say, Russian, to name one of the languages I was nominally
> taught.

Depending on which part of Germany you've been born in, you would have
been taught either English or Russian as your second language.  By now
English is the default, but there are schools that will let you chose
a different language.  Florian (our son who's just started school)
will be taught English starting with his third year in school - we
didn't get our second language before the fifth year when I was in

Oh, Latin is my third language (and I never had the opportunity to
tell girls I was interested in what they had to say in Latin 8-).

> I think that is why they arent going to do C++ support; if you have
> to list dependencies by hand, stick to automake.

listing dependencies by hand is the biggest shortcomming of file based
dependencies IMHO.  And just think of <copy>'s overwite attribute.

>  >>What are we going to do now. I am feeling ruthless.
>  > Wait until it apperas in MSDN to address it?  Address it right
>  > now?

> no, we are going to our retaliation in early, as they say in
> rugby. I will send some emails to the relevant authorities.

OK, let's see.

I should use the time in which my blog is ranked first by Google when
searching for Ant and MSBuild, I guess.  I'm even on the first page
for MSBuild as the only query parameter 8-)

> now, they dont have to care what I say, but we do have the option of
> pulling all .NET support from ant1.6...

I don't think there is such a significant user base for them, is
there?  You and me, but most .NET developers who are not doing
heterogeneous builds will pick NAnt today (or VS.NET).


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