On Tue, 04 Nov 2003, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Being in the depths of a C++ project, with some .NET on the fringes,
> I am deeply aware of how badly vs.net needs something like ant/nant,

NAnt's CVS version is supposed to be able to parse .sln files, don't
knoiw whether that would help with your C++ case, though.  Even
Whidbey won't use MSBuild for C++ (at least not MSBuild's format) from
what I understand from their docs.

> One thing I think they probably are very ignorant of are xUnit;

Have you picked up the TLS347.ppt as well?  In the seventh and eigth
slide (at least using OpenOffice 1.1, but who knows) they talk about
unit testing and adding unit tests to your build process.



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