On 18 Nov 2003, Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, peter reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Vote:
>> [X] local for ant 1.6
>> [ ] wait for ant 1.7
> and done right ;-)

Things we need to consider IMHO:

(1) Syntax

Your proposal uses a <local> task that sets up a local scope for a
named property until the enclosing target/sequential finishes.  Jose
Alberto suggested to use a <local> TaskContainer instead, something

  <local-property name="...."/>

which would essentially just add an explicit (and differently named)
<seqential> to your proposal.  I think I prefer the more explicit,
even if more verbose syntax of the second form.

(2) Shadowing of properties

Your updated proposal ensures that local properties do not override
"global" user properties.  I think they shouldn't be allowed to
override any outer scope properties at all.

(3) Extent of local properties

You make the local properties available to <script> - will they also
be available for builds that get called with the <ant> family of tasks
(assuming inheritall is true)?  I think they should be.


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