Hi Jack!

First of all: If I forgot to submit your chnages (or I may have overseen
your posting) do not hesitate to resend. If the Subject starts with
[Antidote] I'll see it definately. I'll test that definately and a
committ is very probable.

And: Yes, I think it's not nice to maintain two different source streams
of one product! We should quickliy consolidate yours and the public one!

> > Anyone who'd like to contribute Macro-support to integrate in 
> > Antidote?
> How would you define this?

One mission of Antidote is to cover as many of Ant's features as
possible, and now that we hav macro support in Ant, Antidote should make
that - somehow - easy usable. I have nothing conkrete in my mind.
Brobably something like a scriptng wizard using the prepared Wizard
framework, or a code editor with synax highlighting and code
completion... And of course everything as small as possible to keep
Antidote small and fast :-).

Other open tasks are more im portent, of course, like the project wizard
to create an initial project, and so on...


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