Hi Jack!

>   1. Set properties when running Ant from Antidote.

Yep! One of the most important things for the usability of Antidote!

>   2. Wizards
>        1. project wizard.
>        2. scripting wizard


>   3. Simple functional features:
>        1. Keeping up with Ant.

Very important

>        2. Another user mentioned on the mailing list that he can't set an
> 'id' attribute in Antidote.

Not shure what that means

>   4. GUI code editor

Yes, but with a medium/low priority, because this will blow up the codebase
telling my personal experience... 

> And maybe
>   5. Making sure Antidote can run as a NetBeans module? Maybe then
>      the code editor can be leveraged off NetBeans .. you get the
>      simple code editor running Antidote standalone, the fancy
>      Netbeans editor if you run under NetBeans?      

This has been one of the initial tasks for Antidote when it started 4 years
ago. Today I am not shure, if it is still of value, because NetBeans has an
own and excellent Ant-integration... Before we can think of that, we definatly
should provide much more functionality, that the current
NetBeans-ant-integration has ATM, what do you think?

Additionally IMHO we should just DO something for Antidote to keep up with
Ant before we make bigger plans...


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