Let me expand on that list:

  1. Set properties when running Ant from Antidote.
  2. Wizards
       1. project wizard.
       2. scripting wizard
  3. Simple functional features:
       1. Keeping up with Ant.
       2. Another user mentioned on the mailing list that he can't set an 'id' 
attribute in Antidote.
  4. GUI code editor

And maybe

  5. Making sure Antidote can run as a NetBeans module? Maybe then
     the code editor can be leveraged off NetBeans .. you get the
     simple code editor running Antidote standalone, the fancy
     Netbeans editor if you run under NetBeans?      

Jack J. Woehr      # We have gone from the horse and buggy
Senior Consultant  # to the moon rocket in one lifetime, but
Purematrix, Inc.   # there has not been a corresponding moral
www.purematrix.com # growth in mankind. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

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