> From: Peter Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> By user visible I meant that ant -cp x:y:z would not be supported by
> ant[.bat].  By support, I mean x:y:z replacing CLASSPATH in the
> java call. It would be a nice to have, but would need support by the
> the script (sh and bat), in detecting -cp, setting LOCALCLASSPATH
> and CLASSPATH correctly.
> For the point of view of Launcher.java,  the behaviour would be as you
> describe, except that Launcher.java would make sure that only one -cp
> used.

I guess I'm a little slow today, as this is still not clear to me.

Let me put it differently:

1) I agree that if the user has a CLASSPATH set, we should not
   add all the JARs from any directory in the CLASSPATH.

2) When the user calls Ant with -lib dir1:dir2, all JARs in
   dir1 and dir2 are automatically added to Ant's classpath,
   exactly as it is now, i.e. full B.C.

if implementing (1) means adding a -cp, that's great, but only
if (2) remains available and retains its current behavior. --DD

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