1) a name for a ResourceCollection that acts like a
Union without removing duplicates.

What would it be used for? It is not a set operation that way and I'm
not familiar enough (at least the english terms of) with list theory
(if there is something like that at all). append? join?

Union is everything in two sets minus duplicates right? And you want a name for everything in two "bags" (not sets) with duplicates.

the operation would be something like "concatenate", but the name for what it would produce [shrug]

Union is a noun (a union of something and something-else) and a verb (to union), not sure you'll be able to get a nice noun/verb combination for what you're suggesting.../me goes off to look in a thesaurus

ok how about...

"blend", noun a blend, and verb to blend

or for the more l33t


for the pr0n crowd

"intercourse/coupling" [snigger]

rather boring suggestions...



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