> From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Thu, 07 Apr 2005, Peter Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We should be able to make all the current conditions, selectors and
> > filters be typedefs.
> +1

As I wrote on the same thread, I'm starting to think that adding roles*
as typedefs in the 'global' Ant namespace may not be desirable.

Yes, it solves the problem I was describing of having to manually
typedef them, but it does not solve the name-collisions, and it
introduces a bunch of names in the 'global' Ant namespace. That itself
is a problem IMHO, but also these roles are not real types, but some
implementation of an interface to use in the contact of another
task/type making use of that interface.

Granted, it's not a big deal, and it may be too late to change that, but
if we had roledefs, we could only consult these name/classname mappings
in the
context of add(Type) methods, and ignore them when mapping name to
classname at the top-level, or inside targets/TaskContainers.

Don't worry, I'll stop rambling on this topic ;-) --DD

* for lack of a specific term for these types implementing
  a particular interface, I'm calling them role.

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