Now that ResourceCollections have been added to CVS, I
(and anyone who wants to help) need to add support for
ResourceCollections anywhere that it makes sense to do
so.  As I have mentioned in some bugreps tasks that
operate on paths and should only get
real-filesystem-files should work by adding
filesystem-only resource collections to paths.  These
are not terribly plentiful, however, so it's time to
figure out sensible ways for tasks to work with
resource collections.
  Anyone who cares to read this may have noticed that
I have subclassed Resource, primarily for
input/outputStream accessor implementations, but also
for typing in the case of the most common Resource
type:  FileResources.  These provide access to the
underlying file and, optionally, a base directory.  My
proposal regarding copy is that any FileResource with
a base directory is processed according to BC, but any
other Resource is copied with implicit flattening (and
an appropriate warning message) unless a nested mapper
element says otherwise.
  Regarding the Move task, I don't see that we could
move non-file resources in a predictable way so I
would recommend failing on ResourceCollections that do
not return true from isFilesystemOnly().



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