On Thu, 02 Mar 2006, Jesse Glick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kev Jackson wrote:
>> That would certainly be optimal.  (+1 for seperate task)
> If others agree, should the existing 4 support in <junit> be
> reverted?

I feel that the changes between JUnit3 and JUnit4 warrant a new task,
putting even more modifications into the current task (adding a new
JUnitResultFormatter subclass for ignored tests, for example) will
make it even more convoluted than it currently is.

> My main concern is that making it a separate task would require
> people to change their build scripts gratuitously.


> I do think that whatever form the support takes, it should be in the
> standard Ant distro.

The drawback here is that it is tied to Ant's release schedule.  It
will take months for your latest cahnges to become available to a
wider audience.  A separate Ant library would allow a much shorter
release cycle.

> 2. Timeout failures; similar to #1, though this could probably be
> skipped (just treat as a general failure with appropriate
> message).

I'd expect this to be an error like any other error.

> 3. Test failed to throw expected exception; similar to #2.

A failure.

> 4. Display only a "failure" count and no "error" count (if this is
> in fact desirable - does not appear to be consensus)


> 6. Sorting of tests (e.g. by last fail time) - not clear to me if
> this is something an Ant task should address.

Is this something JUnit4 offers or something that users would like to

> Don't we already presume at least 1.2 to compile (and run) for Ant
> 1.6+ generally?

We do.


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