> The point about building the strings when they aren't used (because
> logging verbosity is set too low) still stands though - this is less
> than efficient

The point, which Matt already raised, is that you can't know the level
at which the logger and the listeners are set. There is nothing ATM in
the Ant codebase to tip off the project as to the min log level of all
logger+listener to implement your optimization. This could be can be
added though, and would be useful IMHO, but that's a separate thread.

The StringBuffer optimization is well known. I've either read about it
in Effective Java or the "K&R" of Java, The.Java.Prog.Lang.

I think what you propose to do would clutter the code, and make it
ugly frankly ;-) I'd probably -1 it unless you can show hard evidence
of it's usefulness.

If <delete> is causing problem, replacing it by a custom task which is
streamlined and doesn't need to buffer all files to delete beforehand
for example. --DD

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