Kev Jackson wrote:
> On 1 Jun 2006, at 10:02, Antoine Levy-Lambert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am having a look at
>> We are still on the step "finding a release manager"
>> Do we have any candidates ?
> I'd be happy to help, but before I offer myself as the 'release
> manager', what would I have to do and what are the requirements
> (system/src/libs etc) before I commit to something which I'd be unable
> to fulfill
> Thanks
> Kev
> -- 
> "In vain you tell me that Artificial Government is good, but that I
> fall out with the Abuse. The Thing! The Thing itself is the Abuse!" -
> Edmund Burke
Hello Kev,

you need the libs for all the optional tasks described in the section
"installing ant" of the manual.

the way to check that you have all the libs is to make a full build and
check that all the ant-* jar files have built and are not manifest only.

the only lib which belongs to a product without an open source license
is weblogic.

I can help you regarding this one if you like.

Concerning the system, any operating system is good.

I built Ant 1.6 under Windows 2000 with a Sun JDK 1.4, all in one go.

It looks like that Ant 1.7 has classes which require to be built under
JDK 1.5.

Not sure if we can build Ant 1.7 under JDK 1.5 also all in one go and
still produce jars which can run under 1.2.

Concerning the sources, you need the head revision from SVN obviously.



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