Vladimir Egorov wrote:
Sorry for a bit of a messy entry into the list. I did not realize that
using html email could be a problem. Thanks Stephan for pointing this

My inquiry is in connection with TestLogic project on CodeShare.

Could you please expand a little on TestLogic for the rest of the Ant

TestLogic is an initiative by BEA Systems Inc. Tools team to provide an
open source testing framework for the enterprise. The flavor of this
effort is to provide the glue that would tie together existing
frameworks (e.g. JUnit) in a consistent manageable way. Over time, we
want to cover the breadth of the enterprise testing needs, based on our
knowledge of BEA Systems Inc. testing needs. The project is so far a
private project on CodeShare. We are planning to open source when we
reach some point of maturity and can get clearance, hopefully within 2-4

That's interesting. Have you seen the work I'm doing with deployment of junit3/4/testng+other frameworks and merging of results using (a) a uniform serialization of results for over-RMI comms, and (b) some evolving XML format. For (b) I've got marked up XHTML, but am thinking of how to use Atom to integrate results, a polling app and log data:


Uniformity of both the java format and the xml output would be very beneficial, and putting the stuff into antunit and <junit> and <junit4> is part of my goal. One place needs to be the root repository (with a license everyone likes i.e. apache), with reuse everywhere. This causes trouble with java serialization (you cannot repackage stuff), but would work for XML formats.

To support writing tests in Ant, we want to offer a library of
asserts. We want start with antunit asserts, and have the ability to
enhance (e.g.  add new ones). Unlike AntUnit, we don't require
asserts to throw AssertionFailedException.

Do you have any suggestions for us?

If there is enough interest we could certainly still create a 1.6
compatible branch.

From this posting I got a reply from Paul King, who explained that
similar asserts are being used in WebTest project and that he would be
interested to learn the outcome of this discussion.

How long do you expect TestLogic to stick with 1.6.5?

We have recently migrated from 1.6.2 to 1.6.5, and we are being told
that migrating to 1.7 is not in the near future.

ah, well, you get to miss out on the test format improvements I'm planning for Ant1.7.1 and up :)


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