Stephen McConnell wrote:

It seems that there may be two distinct subjects in this thread:

a) introduction of policy that restricts dynamic resolution of resource to those available via a local file protocol (refer
     Xavier's comments "By offline I mean with no network access")

b) introduction of a policy that restricts dynamic resolution of resources to a selection of 'safe'(?) repositories
The first scenario correctly reflects the offline notion while the second
scenario does not have any relationship to the term.  However, the second
scenario does start to recognize that the physical topology of a machine is
not equivalent to the definition of a policy.

"offline" is maybe not the correct term. "partitioned" is more accurate. when the internet goes from our site, ibiblio is missing, a local repository is reachable. When the network goes from my laptop, only the localhost and all VMWare hosted machines are available. My laptop may still use ssh and mounted filesystem protocols to see the system, but nothing else.

switching on file IO vs. network IO doesnt cut it, because NFS and networked mounted DAV filesystems may be on the wrong side of the partition.

Like you say, it depends on network topologies, but I dont want to introduce the concept of partitioned network, as it scares people. Unless we hide it under network "configurations", where different configurations can have different proxy and repository options. That is a more realistic world view of how my laptop acts. Then I can use DNS and WLAN ID analysis to determine the active configuration; this is something best done in C++ than java.


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