Le 6 mai 08 à 18:27, Xavier Hanin a écrit :

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Archie Cobbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to propose that the new "builder" resolver be included in ivy. In order to do this however, other developers need to vote yes or no. So I'd
ask that you please let the list know your opinion.

Quick summary:

The Builder Resolver is a new Ivy resolver that supports downloading,
extracting and repackaging (as necessary) artifacts on-demand. It allows
a clearer separation between two jobs which don't necessarily go together: maintaining Ivy meta-data, and hosting the actual artifacts. In addition,
it's easy to use the builder resolver to build a normal repository
containing artifacts.

The most important aspect of this new resolver is that it makes it much easier to create and maintain a public Ivy repository, something that IMHO is sorely lacking right now. And the Ivy RoundUp project is already doing
just that (note Ivy RoundUp is a completely separate project from ivy

Some links...

* Builder resolver
http://ivyroundup.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/files/builder-resolver.patch >
* Builder resolver

* Ivy RoundUp project <http://code.google.com/p/ivyroundup/>

This has also been discussed recently in a couple of threads
here <http://www.nabble.com/Open-source-ivy-files-project--to16437122.html


Thanks for your feedback.

I'm +1 to include this in Ivy core. The patch is well written, documented and tested. More importantly, I think the work Archie has began on the Ivy roundup repository will be a great asset for the community, if enough people start using it. Integrating the builder resolver in Ivy core will help drive
adoption of this new repository IMO.

For the same reasons I am in favor of adding it.
I have though some worries about adding new features, as I don't manage to have a global and comprehensive view of every Ivy features. On the other way I see that Archie is very active on Ivy, so I am confident about the maintenance of this component.

So +1 for me.


The only thing I dislike with this resolver is its name. The 'builder' name makes people think this resolver compiles modules, while it just repackage
them if necessary. Hence I prefer to use another name.



Archie L. Cobbs

Xavier Hanin - Independent Java Consultant

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