Le 6 mai 08 à 18:43, Archie Cobbs a écrit :

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Xavier Hanin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'd like to propose that the new "builder" resolver be included in ivy.
order to do this however, other developers need to vote yes or no. So
ask that you please let the list know your opinion.

The only thing I dislike with this resolver is its name. The 'builder'
makes people think this resolver compiles modules, while it just repackage
them if necessary. Hence I prefer to use another name.

Another possible name that might better convey what it does is "Extractor

I don't really have any strong preference on the name though.

From the IvyRoundUp documentation:
Athough named the "builder" resolver, the only build operations currently supported are extracting files from archives, packaging files into archives, and moving and copying files. In the future more general build operations may be supported, once appropriate security controls are in place.

So I would say that it is *packaging* modules into an Ivy publishable structure. A packaging process that can, for some module just do some copy, jar and unjar, and for others some possible call to javac.

Then I am in favor of renaming it PackagerResolver.


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