Le 28 oct. 09 à 14:13, Stefan Bodewig a écrit :
On 2009-10-27, Nicolas Lalevée <nicolas.lale...@hibnet.org> wrote:
Le 27 oct. 09 à 12:24, Stefan Bodewig a écrit :
On 2009-10-26, Nicolas Lalevée <nicolas.lale...@hibnet.org> wrote:
Le 21 oct. 09 à 07:45, Stefan Bodewig a écrit :
In the Ant and SubAnt tasks the default build file is
To be honest I'd rather have people specify the build file names
explicitly rather than add more magic to the ant and subant tasks.
I am not sure the people you are talking about. The end user that
write the build file or the user of the Ant ProjectHelper API ?
The people writing the build file.
Then thoses people have already the choice to set or not set the
file name. Do you want to change that ?
In a way, yes. I'd rather force people to be explicit about the build
files they won't than have the tasks scan the directory/ies for
I don't know why but before that last email I was wondering why you
would want to break backward compatibility. But we can declare in the
doc that a build file name is mandatory, even if if in implementation
it is not for backward compatibility purpose.
Then it makes sense and it is fine for me.
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