Those changes you have sound useful. Good luck with getting them cleared, I'm sure a number of people would appreciate having access to those hooks.

I think adding the standard packaging and deployment mechanism of Java 8 to Antlibs once 8 comes out makes a lot of sense. Once that happens someone could give the results from testing with some of the standard JARs that Ant Users prefer. Or perhaps the JRE will bundle one that everyone uses by default.

That is if it makes it into the release. JSR 277 and JSR 294 had high hopes to start that process but they are both now marked as inactive. Project Jigsaw[1] appears to be an important target for Java 8[2] and I've read a blog post that said that one of the requirements that has been adopted is OSGI compatibility. So hopefully it will.


On 2/15/2012 4:05 PM, Jeffrey E Care wrote:

The only problem I have with the antlib mechanism is that you have to
specifically call out the antlib(s) you want to use. That's not a problem
in build.xmls, as I would think that most people would want the namespace
binding; but consider things like version information&  diagnostics
providers: presently there's no hook for an antlib to contribute to the
version information or diags, even if the JAR containing the antlib is in
Ant's lib directory (or elsewhere on the classpath). Fortunately for these
cases META-INF/services provides a good enough mechanism. I have a
contribution for Ant that will add hook points for antlibs to contribute
to the version info&  diags but I can't seem to get it cleared through IBM
legal :(

I don't know of a compelling reason to add a heavyweight plugin mechanism
like OSGi.


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