Le 16 févr. 2012 à 20:49, Mansour Al Akeel a écrit :

> 2012/2/16 Nicolas Lalevée <nicolas.lale...@hibnet.org>
>> I cannot talk about Gradle because I never really understand the real
>> motive apart from the apparent cool groovy language features.
>> On the other hand, Easyant is about using Ant on steroïds. The idea is
>> basically sharing Ant build scripts.
>> Each time I have to make a build of a Java webapp, I don't write my
>> build.xml from scratch each time. I look up for an old project I used to
>> work on, I copy its build and keep the interesting parts, I rehack the
>> build scripts. So with some convention and for very similar projects, we
>> could share theses scripts. Easyant does "just" this with Ivy.
> I used gradle and don't see the reason for it except for the multi module
> support. And yes, it's slow. For a continuous build like (on file change,
> compile, build, and let jrebel reload), It's tooooo slow for me.
> I understand that easyant makes reusable build available, but I think the
> multi project support (in gradle), the groovy feature (in gradle), and the
> reusable tasks (in easyant), can all be done with antlib. Why did their
> teams created a new build system, rather than antlib ?

Easyant doesn't per se provide reusable tasks, that is effectively the role of 
antlibs, but it better provides a standard build workflow, it provides targets. 
Extension points which makes target reusable were introduced in Ant after some 
prototyping in Easyant actually.
I guess that a proper multi project support involves some build workflow 
management, so working with targets. I doubt it is feasible with just antlibs.


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