On 10/25/05, Christian Junker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2005/10/24, Matthias Benkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > ATTENTION: Not every XScriptProvider can resolve every script URI! For
> > instance the script provider returned by a TextDocument's
> > XScriptProviderSupplier can't resolve script URIs for shared scripts
> > such as the one I gave above. It can only resolve script URIs for
> > scripts stored in the document.
> I did a test on this trying to call some shared application-wide
> macros from the active documents' scripting provider and it succeeded,
> which means that I doubt that your statement is correct at this point.

Interesting. I'm quite certain that it didn't work when I tried it.
But of course that was quite a few versions ago.
BTW, what I said about script URIs not being globally unique was not
really accurate. They are not unique, but that's a bug:


and it can't be worked around by choosing the proper script provider
as I suggested.


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