Kent Gibson wrote:

> Hi-ya
> Sorry to pester but does anyone have any ideas? I
> tried to explain the problem clearly but it is a
> tricky problem. I suppose I could summarise it by
> asking, how would one convert a hidden document
> efficiently into a non hidden document. Right now it
> takes me about 3 minutes to render the document and
> then about 10 minutes just to convert it into a non
> hidden document for viewing.

OOO 2.0.2 allows you to make a hidden document visible by a simple API
call. Is that what you want?

In Basic it's simply:

doc.loadComponentFromURL(...) ' hidden loading
' now do with the document what you want
' now make it visible
doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow.setVisible( True )

You could do the same in older versions (the API already existed) but
the document would behave strange afterwards (file will not be released
when document is closed), it needed some fixes in the code that have
been applied in 2.0.2.

But admittedly I don't understand how this is related to your original
question about the bad performance for refreshing a document by reloading.

BTW: considering that each "refresh" requires a complete write/read
cycle I don't think that the performance is as expected. In general the
load/save performance in OOo is not very good and we are working on
this, but don't expect exact promises now about when we will reach which
performance gain.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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