Laurent Godard wrote:

> Hi Mathias
> Thanks for your response
>> Perhaps instead of macro event bindings we could use listeners as Basic
>> is able to implement them? But I'm not sure wether listeners implemented
>> in Basic will "survive" the termination of the macro that registers
>> them. But you or Paolo as Basic experts know, I assume. ;-)
> sounds interresting
> listeners can survive using a global variable
> but, the remaining problem is how to start the listeners

Hm, listeners can be registered by another macro, that itself can by
started by an event - and the listeners themselves are called by the
event source. Or what do you mean?

>> The macro code must be able to provide this information and it must be
>> able to *update* it when needed. So each created dispatch object must be
>> accessible somehow later to send a new status. This means: you must
>> store the information for this somewhere, you can't store it in
>> variables in your basic code because you shouldn't have your macro
>> running permanently by using a busy loop. So where should the data go?
> using a global variable let you store information

The problem with global variables is that they are, well, global. If you
have more than one extension they might use the same global variables.
Or is there something like "global in the library or module scope" that
still can "survive" the termination of the macro? (Sorry, I'm not an OOo
Basic expert.)

> ok let's try
> - a dropdown list in the toolbar nammed "myToolbarObject"
> - this object has an event "change"
> - reacting on this event, a macro can be called, passing an event 
> objetc, containing the source of that event

As already mentioned: currently there is no way to pass an object to a
macro that shall be called by macro URL or macro name. Problem number one.

> to setup the called macro via the event, a new node could be insterted 
> in the addon.xcu
>     <prop oor:name="ControlType" oor:type="xs:string">
>          <value>Combobox</value>
>      </prop>
>     ...
>     ...
>     ...
>     <prop oor:name="Events" >
>          <prop oor:name="change" oor:type="xs:string">                
>            <prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">
>           <value>macro://mylib.mymodule.aMacro</value>
>          </prop>
>          <prop oor:name="otherevent" oor:type="xs:string">            
>            <prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">
>           <value>macro://mylib.mymodule.otherMacro</value>
>          </prop>
>      </prop>
> and then having a macro
> sub aMacro(event)
>    theCombo = event.source
>    'print the combobox name
>    print event.source.Name
> end sub
> So this is a kind of listeners but that are automatically launched when 
> loading the toolbar (btw, this should already be done)
> Then, reacting on an event is calling the specified macro with the event 
> object as argument. that's why i spoke of a kind of relaying

If I understood correctly you want to create a listbox in the toolbar
that depending on the selected entry calls different macros, right? Now
let's discuss the way how the listbox gets filled. This is the point
where the status updating comes into play: a dispatch object will
initialize the listbox and also change its content. As already described
this is the second problem I see that needs to be solved if we want to
use all the new toolbar features in Basic.

Your example seems to be simpler: I don't see that you want to change
the content of the listbox at runtime, so having a static dropdown menu
button that gets the macros to be called for each list entry by a
configuration file (Addon.xcu) and not by status updating as described
by Carsten would be enough. Why establishing a complex communication
channel for something that is sent only once?

If you just want to allow listboxes in toolbars bound to Basic macros we
could make this possible by creating a new toolbar button type that
reads the list from the Addon.xcu, just like a sub menu in the Addon menu.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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  • Re: [... Mathias Bauer
    • ... Laurent Godard
      • ... Mathias Bauer
    • ... Paolo Mantovani
      • ... Mathias Bauer
        • ... Laurent Godard
          • ... Mathias Bauer
    • ... Carsten Driesner - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg - Software Engineer
    • ... Carsten Driesner - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg - Software Engineer
      • ... Laurent Godard
        • ... Mathias Bauer

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