Paolo Mantovani wrote On 05/14/06 23:54,:
Just a small addition:
Of course, holding a reference of the listener into a global variable is a good thing, (especially when you need to de-register it at latter time), anyway, the listener survives even if you don't store it in a global var:

AFAIK a registered listener is not disposed by the Basic engine while the broadcaster still holds a reference to it: f.e. with the following code you will be bothered by the msgbox whenever you change selection, and to kill the listener you must close the document:

Sub testListener()
oListener = createUnoListener("Doc_", _
End Sub

Sub Doc_selectionChanged(oEvent)
msgbox "ciao"
End Sub

Sub Document_disposing(oEvent)
'nothing to do
End Sub

Hi Paolo,

In your example I cannot see how you want to store data context dependent. The macros are static and can be called from several user interface element instances! There are information which are view-dependent (like cursor position) or model-dependent (like modified state) and there are situations where a macro wants to store the data for later use. Macros can retrieve the context information from the oEvent object, but how should a macro store this data dependent on the event source? From my point of view the only way one could write macros would be to not store any data, but make it dependent on listeners. A developer wants to display the cursor position in a toolbar edit field with an add-on. The Basic script has to be listener for "OnViewCreated". Whenever the listener is called it has to add a second listener for the cursor travel. When the cursor travel listener is called the correct dispatch object must be retrieved from a global instance (may be something like a DispatchObjectManager for macros) and the information must be provided via statusChanged. Macros are therefore triggered by the listener mechanism, which overcomes the static nature of macros.


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  • Re: [... Mathias Bauer
    • ... Laurent Godard
      • ... Mathias Bauer
    • ... Paolo Mantovani
      • ... Mathias Bauer
        • ... Laurent Godard
          • ... Mathias Bauer
    • ... Carsten Driesner - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg - Software Engineer
    • ... Carsten Driesner - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg - Software Engineer
      • ... Laurent Godard
        • ... Mathias Bauer
    • ... Carsten Driesner - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg - Software Engineer
    • ... Paolo Mantovani

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