Hi Paolo,

sorry, I did not discover this thread and after a colleague
told me about it yesterday, we had severe mail problems.

I think we have to split this problem.

1. hyper as return type:
This is no problem. In your example:

' print oFile.getLenght 'error!!!
' oFile.seek(5) 'error!!!
oFile.seek(CreateUnoValue("hyper", 5)) 'No problem......

getLength simply has a typo. That's why your next example
posted later worked without problems.

2. Passing 5 (or any other "smaller" typed value) as hyper:

I could reproduce this and it's simply a bug. Converting a
"smaller" int type to a bigger one should always work.
CreateUnoValue() is a workaround but it's ment for a com-
pletely different situation (if the target value is unknown
because it's declared as Any in IDL).

The good news. While evaluating the bug, I've already fixed
it as the problem was really obvious. See i66765.

3. hyper as declarable type

In general this is not so difficult as internally the type
already exists. The biggest problem is to chose a reasonable
name. ;-)

But that's not the point: If we had the type, we still would
need the corresponding literals. That's why the example:

CreateUnoValue("hyper", 9223372036854775806)

fails. The number is too big to be a long and int64 is not
supported by the parser. So it's handled as double but this
also fails somehow. I will have to evaluate this: i66770

Are any problems left now?

Regards Andreas

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