Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Ramon F Herrera wrote:
(1) xContext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();  // starts OO process (plus Windows icon) 
if not already running

After step (1), you already have a connection to OOo.

That was precisely my discovery. I concluded that Bootstrap.bootstrap() is the only connection method needed to fulfill my requirement ("Would like to connect to 'soffice' in its own terms"). I noticed that the bootstrap() step created the little icon (wonderful visual aid, it helps a lot in development, btw) when soffice was not running, or, if it was running alreay, it just connects to it.

But, it turns out that Bootstrap.bootstrap() is less than a perfect solution, as it has a big problem. Read on...

My problem of achieving a clean disconnect persisted, so I went through as many tutorials and snippets as I could find. My conclusion was (and still is) this: "it has been determined that Bootstrap.bootstrap() is bad for the termination of your program". In Eclipse, at least I can click on the red square (stop) button, but in NetBeans the process simply keeps on running and the only way to terminate it is from the server side, right clicking the Quickstarter and exiting it. Notice that those are *interactive* ways to terminate the bridge, and what I am really looking for is a *programmatic* way to terminate the bridge.

So far, the only programmatic solution involves:

(a) Bootstrap.createInitialComponentContext(null);
(b) connection = xConnector.connect(con);
(c) Keeping the value of 'bridge' around, so I can .dispose() it.

I am looking for a clean disconnect, which doesn't use (a) or (b).


ps: many thanks to everybody, I finally! found a knowledgeable source of OO expertise, I mean *The* source.

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