On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Tobias Krais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK. I tested the same on other computers. The result: it worked on just
> one machine, but did not work on 5 machines!
>> I assume that your OOo 2.4.1 installation is
>> on a different computer than your OOo 3.0 installation and you'll have
>> to look for the answer to this problem in the differences between the
>> two.
> I tested it on the same machine, installing, uninstalling and
> reinstalling the neede OpenOffice.org version...

Hmm. I cannot explain this. The error message certainly looks as if it
were happening when the Java VM attempts to load the included
unowinreg.dll. This process should be independent of the
OpenOffice.org that is currently installed.  Please make sure that
you're using the same Java version for both tests. Some OOo installers
include their own JVM so it's possible that when you switch OOo
installations, you're switching Java at the same time.

How are you launching your program? java -jar ....jar   on the
console? That's how I tested. Run java -version before running your
app to make sure you're using the Java version you think you're using.

Another test: Do you get the same error message when you uninstall ALL
OpenOffice.org versions and then run your app?


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