I have confirmed that the problem re-creates on Windows 2008 Server when it is 
running natively on the hardware.  It does not appear to be a problem with the 
Microsoft HyperV.

-----Original Message-----
From: Herter, Scott [mailto:scott.her...@napersoft.com] 
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 11:05 AM
To: dev@api.openoffice.org
Subject: [api-dev] OpenOffice 3.2.1 not printing on Windows Servers through the 

We have encountered a strange problem that involves OpenOffice 3.2.1 (also 
reproduced with OpenOffice 2.4 but does not reproduce with OpenOffice 2.1) on 
Windows Server 2003 R2, 2008, and 2008 R2.  The basic problem is that it does 
not print through the API.  The interesting thing is that the same program with 
the same version of OpenOffice works on Windows XP and Vista.

If we run OpenOffice interactively on the Windows Server box and print through 
the menus or through a Macro it works, but when we try to do it through the API 
nothing happens.  No exception and nothing shows up in the Windows print queue. 
 We are using a Java program to talk to OpenOffice through the UNO API and we 
have tried both Java 5 and Java 6 with the same results.

Convert to PDF, load and close work through the API, just not print.  The call 
to xprintable.print simply returns (type void so there is no return code to 
check) as if it worked.  I changed the code to not close the document after 
printing and I can press the print button and the document that just failed to 
print through the API would show up in the print queue.

Our current thought is that Microsoft changed something in the security model 
and maybe we need to do something different with permissions or with the print 
API under the newer servers.  I have done a number of Google searches and 
checked the API doc to see if something changed with regard to printing, but it 
looks like we are doing everything correctly and it does work on XP and Vista.  
If anyone knows of anything we would appreciate some help.

On the assumption that no-one has heard of this before these are the steps I 
will be taking over the next several days to try and isolate the problem 

1.      Create a small stand alone program that reproduces the problem with a 
test document.

2.      Currently the servers are all running as Microsoft HyperV virtual 
machines whereas the XP and Vista boxes were running native on the hardware.  
After creating the test program I will run it on a server that is not a virtual 
machine and see if it still re-creates.

3.      Since Macros seem to work I will try and find an API call that lets me 
run a macro and pass it in parameters to fill in the properties for the print.


I used to think I wasn't a morning person, but things never got better after 
-- Wally from Dilbert

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