Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

So, during the conversations we've had here in Amsterdam regarding
combining APR and APR-util (see post from Paul), one of the big
stumbling blocks has been our treatment of the LDAP interfaces via

The crux of the issue is that it is a 'leaky' abstraction - in that,
APR-util does not currently *fully* wrap the LDAP interfaces -
instead, it is viewed as augmenting the standard LDAP APIs with
treatment for LDAP-SSL, etc, etc.  This middle ground doesn't really
suit the APR philiosophy - cf. DBD and DBM interfaces.

Therefore, the consensus of the folks here is that we should pursue
one of the following courses of action:

[ ] Fix the LDAP interface to be a complete/full LDAP abstraction
[ ] Remove the LDAP interfaces from APR

This vote is completely premature.

What was supposed to happen is that a discussion be kicked off **on the mailing list**, so that people fully understand why the LDAP abstraction is as it is, and in turn people can come up with a properly thought out way forward to address the issues within it.

Development of APR doesn't happen via conversations in Amsterdam.



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