I accidentally send my mail direct, instead of to the list, so now to the
list again.

>> > Please do the smart thing and use them from the start. Saves you a lot
>> of trouble later on. Using
>> > the FindModules probably makes the build work for more then 80% on
>> other platforms from the start.
>> > Also using standard stuff gives you less custom CMake scripts to
>> maintain.
>> >
> That's my plan, except when I find things that don't appear workable, such
> as no cmake-bundled FindXXX for some project.  (Over time maybe we need
> build up our own libraries, but I don't have enough time for that at
> present.)

Good to hear. In the case CMake doesn't have a bundled find file, often
something can be found on other projects. On the other hand, making an own
Find module is straightforward and simple if only the library and headers
are needed (most likely enough to start with).

> So far OpenSSL, Expat, and LibXml2 seem very easy to deal with on Windows
> based on the cmake-bundled FindXXX packages.

Good the hear, there is a big chance the CMake script will work on other
platforms as well.

Do you also intend to use CMake for project file generation?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Alexander Broekhuis

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