Same here for all of those - I think Olivier fixed the first problem in the RC 
branch, but I haven't re-tested yet. Not sure if the sorting problem was fixed 

On 30 Jan 2014, at 7:47 pm, Sascha Vogt <> wrote:

> Hi Olivier,
> Am 30.01.2014 06:36, schrieb Olivier Lamy:
>> Hi,
>> Apologize for delay, I was a bit busy because of $DAYJOB and beach :-).
>> I will have to respin a RC build due to issues fixes.
>> BTW if you find any issues let me know before.
> I found something, not sure if this is caused by me / our infrastructure
> or a general issue:
> Searching for users maintained in LDAP is not working reliably. When I
> search for a user in the filters, auto-complete shows me the user, but
> if I click on it or use "down"+"enter" to select it, nothing happens.
> Additionally clicking on "Filter" just removes the search. And third,
> the list is not sorted alphabetically (under no criteria, not user name,
> full name nor email) even after clicking "Sort by name".
> Tested with FF 26 and Chrome 32 (on Windows).
> IE10 doesn't even load the GUI, Login / Register is gray and in the
> middle of the screen I get the loading spinner.
> Greetings
> -Sascha-

Brett Porter   @brettporter

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