1. Got it.

2. Ok, makes sense. I might have been wrong thinking this policy should be
special then.
About storing in policy information in nodes/templates that the policy is
associated with in general - sounds interesting, I'm not sure I'd implement
this right away, I think it'd be better to hold off and see what sort of
policies might exist in the future and what data might be useful to keep on
the node/template first.

3. Yes, I understand it better now, thank you. It does seem somewhat
magic-ish and something that can lead to unintended effects.. I personally
think it'd be better to err on the safe side i.e. not allow such a topology
where 6 relationships are required and 5 is the allowed maximum - despite
the fact the template author probably did consider multiple router nodes.
But maybe I'm misinterpreting this :)
Either way, you're right, this is definitely not related to ARIA-254

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 6:56 PM, Tal Liron <t...@gigaspaces.com> wrote:

> >
> >
> > The scaling policies are definitely needed e.g. for group, but it'd have
> > been nice to have some simplified manner for defining multiple instances
> of
> > a given node without having to go through actual scaling policies
> > definitions (e.g. a special property on the node to define this etc).
> >
> I simply cannot think of a way to do this in TOSCA. For our operation
> configuration we made use of dependencies in a creative way. But for nodes
> there just isn't much there to use. I considered using artifact definitions
> ... but this is really going too far in my view in terms of weirdness. And
> policies is the right way to do it in TOSCA.
> > 2) I'm not sure about removing the relevant fields from NodeTemplate. The
> > scaling policy is after all a special one, and having it fill these
> fields'
> > values seems somewhat logical IMO.
> >
> Actually, the scaling policy is not especially special :) -- it's parsed
> and stored like any other policy (unlike custom workflow policies, which
> become OperationTemplate models). And there can be many other TOSCA
> policies: placement, allotment, allocations, etc., that may or may not be
> supported by ARIA specifically, and may or may not be used by other TOSCA
> tools up or down the line.
> For example, someone might create an ARIA extension to support resource
> allocation policies with its own list of special properties. Why does
> scaling get a privileged column in NodeTemplate but not them? I say we
> treat all policies fairly and equally and not sully the NodeTemplate model
> with policy specifics. The policies are exactly designed to be in a
> separate section in the TOSCA template so you can look them and see all
> that apply to your nodes.
> There's actually something else interesting we can do here: create a
> special "policies" property for NodeTemplate that combines those directly
> associated with it with those that are associated indirectly via
> GroupTemplate (this extra combination was the only reason I didn't use SQL
> relationships directly to find them). This could be implemented via a SQL
> query. What do you think?
> 3) You've mentioned once before that TOSCA also defines an implicit
> > mechanism for creating multiple instances via the
> requirements&capabilities
> > mechanism; What are your ideas regarding that, and how do they fit in
> > together with this?
> >
> So, here's how I understand it: in capabilities definition (section
> you have an "occurrences" field, which by default is unbounded but
> can definitely be set to an explicit max. For example, a router might
> define an "upstream" capability limited to 5. During the reqs-and-caps
> matching process, let's say that 5 relationships have been forged with the
> node, and now you have an extra node that also requires "upstream" from us.
> To me, this seems to imply than an extra router node should be created.
> But ... I might very well be wrong here. This kind of auto-scaling might
> have unforeseen consequences if the template author was not aware that this
> could happen.
> I think it's best that we should not apply any magical autoscaling at the
> design phase, HOWEVER, we can take into consider the policy if it was set.
> If default_instances is 1, and max_instances is 5, then it means the
> template author has considered multiple router nodes.
> I hope this makes sense, it's a somewhat shadowy corner of the TOSCA
> spec... Note I would consider implementing this as a separate JIRA if we
> agree that this is correct.

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